I woke up from a strange dream about death, and I could't go back to sleep.
In it, someone close had passed away. But it was not the death that was most discomforting - even though I saw the person lifeless on the dining table - but the aftermath of it. My first reaction was: I should call his company and ask if they can give us the rest of his salary.
After that, I started to notice the little things that were missing. I saw myself in a relative's kitchen, and someone remarked that it was so sad that he passed away, now his favourite jar of nuts is missing from the fridge. I also thought about how I would no longer have his number in my cellphone, or speedial. His voice would certainly be missed, as would his jokes, smile and everything else. I wondered if it would be convenient if I could have his car, but then I'd have to drive it myself - that wouldn't be too convenient now. I also dreamt about how his wife tried to break the news to the rest of the family, and how difficult it was for her to do it.
I had to write this down as a self-reminder that the ones we love don't last forever. God put them on Earth to give us care, show us love, teach us lessons and then He takes them back. I want to remember to always cherish those dear to my heart, and not take them for granted.
Yours sincerely.
Chapter 2016
8 years ago
eo want take ppl's salary n ppl's car wor~~damn er chui. i tot u gona say u feel like askin his wife to follow u back too :D lol
yeahyeah,appreciate everythg n everyone that happen to be in our life with us.
whoa. beautifully put ;D but still, nothing beats my dream bout my two front teeth coming out!! lmao. nah, jusk kiddink!
i shall appreciate all my ♥ ones more. and stop USING them so much. hinthintJOHN!
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