Why do you have a compulsive need to be better than others? Why do you constantly have to feel like you are academically, intellectually and noticeably superior to the next person?
Is it so wrong if someone upstaged you? Is it so bad if she exceeded you by two marks? Is it so bad that you lost out by four? Are you so petty? Are you so shallow? Is your world so, so small?
Didn't I work hard enough? What did I do wrong? What did she do right? Why did she do better even though I KNOW I spent more time on it than she did? Is the world so unfair?
Why am I judging her? Why am I even comparing myself? Why SHOULD I compare myself? Why is my world so small?
Is your work everything to you? Does nothing else matter? Why can't you live life for today, appreciate the things you have and strive to achieve that which you do not have? Why do you have to be perfect all the time?
I want to find the thing that completes me. I want to be whole. I don't want to have to feel bad for not doing as well as the next person.
Perhaps someday I'll grow out of this. Perhaps someday I'll be mature enough to see the error of my ways. Perhaps one day I won't need my work and my career to feel good about myself. Perhaps one day I will be truly, wholesomely happy, and maybe then I will have found the thing that completes me.
I look forward to that day :-)
Chapter 2016
8 years ago
who is the SHE? You mean Johnie is no longer the highest mark in class? And this is so GOOD, you know why? Because you are getting far from being nerdish :)
Nah... its ok John... just be who you are... who bother? :)
Haha... SHE is a friend in my journalism class... actually I just less by 2 marks in that one assignment only but dunno why I'm so EOWH!
Yeala.. I need to chill =p
let me suggest, the one day that u look forward to, the one thing that is to complete u, the one day you will grow out of these, the one moment that you will be truly wholesomely happy, is when you found your sweetheart ;)
Journalism marking can be quite subjective man, so someone getting two marks higher than you doesn't mean your article isn't as good.
Btw it's human instinct that we constantly compare ourselves with others, that's how we make sense of who we are in this world, and improvements are often generated under comparisons as long as you can find a balance to it. So don't fret it mate! :D
eowh Rave! Since when you started blogging again =p
Since I became insane caused by uni work :P
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